Emily Rascal Cooney was born and raised a Hoosier (whatever that means), smack dab in the middle of Indiana.
At the bright young age of 18, when everyone becomes a fully-functioning and healthy Adult, she set off for parts unknown. Soon realizing there was quite an expanse between here and there, she ended up wandering about for quite some years, with no real purpose in mind. She found herself falling in love with the Western United States and did seasonal work in Wyoming before eventually finding her way to Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was there she (re)discovered clay.
Little did she know her fledgling pottery journey thus began.
The road was not a sequential one. There were many stops and starts. Cross-ocean moves. New studios found and left. But each new place, each new studio, provided her insights, guidance, and assurance that this path was the correct one to be on.
She currently resides in Groningen, a city in the North of the Netherlands where she is carving out a career as a potter.